What is a ‘Legals Only’ Wedding Ceremony?
Can you get married without having a wedding?
And can you do it on the Central Coast, without going to the Registry Office?
Oh my word, YES you can!
You may have heard of a legals only, a paperwork only, or a registry style wedding. But what exactly does all of that mean, and is it the right way for you to get married?
While I revel in the romantic thrill of a beautiful big wedding ceremony as a marriage celebrant, there’s another side to my business you might not see me sharing as much, and that’s my Love Page Express offer. It’s also because the couples who take up this package often fall into one of three categories:
The Very Shy Pair, who don’t want all eyes on them as they celebrate their very private union. They are deeply in love, they’ve found the one to share the rest of their lives with, and to them, sealing the deal and getting married is something that warrants an intimate ceremony without fanfare, fuss or frills.
The Second Timers. They’re practically married in all senses of the word, except the legal sense. They once had a big she-bang (with someone else) and now they want a small little acknowledgement of their union, to make it legal and lovely, and keep their spending money for their Grey Nomad trip around Australia in their new RV instead of on wining and dining the lost list of loved ones they have.
The Overseas Party Starters! They’re a local couple who are having a Big Fat Greek Wedding, a super suave Black Tie soiree upon the shores of Lake Como, or a banging Bali blessing. Some countries won’t marry non-residents; and some couples want the ease of having their legal paperwork lodged on home shores before their destination wedding.
A legals only or paperwork only wedding must be conducted by a Commonwealth Authorised Marriage Celebrant. And there’s no quickly decided Elvis chapel shenanigans if you want it to be legitimately lawful in Australia, sorry. You must lodge your Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) with your celebrant at least one calendar month before the day you plan on getting married, which involves providing evidence of the date and place of your birth, evidence of your previous marriage ending, photo ID, and chatting through some other bits - like if you’re related, over 18, and there’s no other reason you shouldn’t be married.
Then, from one month after that date, you can get married! But be warned: a legals only is just that: the legal words only. In fact, about 143 words, to be precise. The celebrant must state the Monitum, you must state your legal vows, and then the celebrant, you two and two witnesses who heard it all, sign three docs and you’re done.
I don’t mind you sharing your own vows and exchanging rings if you’d like to sprinkle a little romance in there, but if it’s legals only it means you’re not likely to get many (if any) elements of ceremony like a big thanks to your family, a fun love story digging into why you’re so amazing, or wedding party involvement. And for many, that sounds like the most perfect wedding ceremony for them. All over in a couple of minutes, nice and quick does the trick!
If you fit into any of the couple categories above, or a legals only category of your own (maybe a friend is doing your ceremony?) and you want to get married on the NSW Central Coast without fuss, the Love Page Express could be for you, all for less than the cost of a registry wedding and without the hassle of traveling to the city!